The new era of recruiting
Recruitment and know-how meets Big Data and Safe AI. That is VEGA.

We discover your career potential on the basis of your resume.

Your resume can do more than you know. Within minutes we'll show you all the jobs that are looking for your skills. Without you having to search actively. And the best: Companies apply to you!
We have already helped over 100,000 talents and more than 5,000 companies - and we'd love to help you too.

These and more than 5,000 other companies trust hijob


And it's that simple:

Sign up and create your profile in just a few steps.

Very easy, very fast: With CV-Upload, linkedin, the hijob CV-Generator, facebook and much more you can sign up in seconds.

Career Advancement
Add (1) work experience for better matches!

Show us what you're made of.

The better your profile is maintained, the more possibilities we will find and the more companies will seek your attention. We'll show you what information is important.

Career Advancement

And now? Just lean back.

We suggest jobs and exciting companies. Automatically and completely anonymous! And the companies will apply to you. By the way: on average, every second talent proposed receives an interview request.

Career Advancement
Career Advancement
Add (1) work experience for better matches!

Switching jobs is no longer stressful

Applying is always associated with uncertainty and stress. Where can I find what suits me? Do I receive an invitation or do I just waste my time? With hijob everything was very uncomplicated.
Daniel, 43, Business Development Manager
I never used to know which jobs were right for me. Job titles that nobody knows and where nobody knows what's behind them. hijob shows me which jobs are exactly looking for my skills.
Sarah, 32, graduate industrial engineer

hijob - built for you

Our goal is to make professional success and satisfaction transparent and achievable for everyone. Everyone develops throughout their lives. And we want to show everyone at all times the great potential that is possible with these skills. Because nobody makes the decision for a new job lightly. But at the moment, no one can see all the possibilities on their own.

We make it easier for you to make this decision with conviction and confidence. Because we give you all relevant information and tips at any time, so that you can live a fulfilled professional life for the rest of your life.

And now: #CelebrateYourSkills


Why it's so easy?

Our Artificial Intelligence helps you to recognize more professional opportunities.

Whatever the job - the hijob Matchscore shows you all jobs that are looking for your skills, regardless of the job title.
Let yourself be inspired. Let the jobs and companies find you!

And if you don't want to wait for applications from companies - no problem, just apply yourself.
Simply with one click. Without covering letter, without certificates.

A fun, easy and stress-free way to apply for jobs

You deserve better than filling out the same information place after place with little or no results.

Job opportunities are looking for you.

Create a profile once and then sit back and relax. Companies apply to you. Or the job will find you. And you can apply with just one click.


Don't miss a chance. By doing nothing.

Only react to company and job suggestions that suit you. By the way: 8 out of 10 talents automatically suggested by hijob will receive an interview request within a few days. So almost everyone. Not bad - for not having to do anything.

You don't lose any time.

Your skills are the focus, no documents. That's why you don't need a cover letter or certificates. Upload your CV once - we'll do the rest.


We also help you.

hijob helps all specialists and managers, but also all graduates. No matter what industry you come from or what experience you have already gained - we can help you.

Mobile Image

Now let yourself be inspired by the first job matches.

Or wait until companies apply to you.

Upload your resume to receive applications

Use hijob and celebrate your skills - absolutely free!

Zero signup fees

We never take a cut of your pay

No hidden costs of any kind

For companies: hijob for your candidate approach

Celebrate talents!

Career Advancement
Career Advancement

Suitable profiles for your jobs.
At the touch of a button.

From our affiliated pools, we find those talents whose skills best match the qualifications of your job vacancies. Send us any number of jobs. We will send you matching profiles. Within 24 hours.

Career Advancement

More matching candidates.
Less cost.

Job advertisements should not be at the forefront of your budget planning. But the number of exciting talents for your vacancies. That's why at hijob you pay for suitable profiles, not for job advertisements.

Career Advancement

Speed counts.

Inspire qualified talents with a simple and fast application process. Get in touch with 1 click. Or the talent with you.

Career Advancement

Benefit from unprecedented transparency.

Before we get started together, we offer you a potential analysis: it shows you how large the number of suitable talents is even before your vacancies are published. This gives you clarity right from the start.